
Medical students need to learn the potent medicine of empathy

A few years ago at a large teaching hospital in Texas, a medical resident asked a nurse how to order an autopsy for a patient they were currently treating. It was a reasonable request. Autopsies help further the understanding of disease. There was just one problem: their patient, who was very much alive, was lying nearby. He’d overhead the request, and that’s how he found out he was soon going to die. Continua a leggere


“Ho un tumore e voglio dirlo a tutti”. Ecco perché si condivide la malattia on line

Giorgia Libero, 23 anni di Padova, è morta ad agosto dopo aver lottato contro un linfoma. Come tanti altri, aveva raccontato la sua malattia sui social network raggiungendo milioni di persone. Siamo partiti dalla sua storia, per capire cosa spinge una persona a parlare di un fatto così privato e doloroso, ma anche perché in tanti leggono e cliccano “Mi piace”. La psico-oncologa: “Fa bene” Continua a leggere