The Conversation Placebo
In my daily work as a primary care internist, I see no letup from pain. Every single patient, it seems, has an aching shoulder or a bum knee or a painful back Continua a leggere →
In my daily work as a primary care internist, I see no letup from pain. Every single patient, it seems, has an aching shoulder or a bum knee or a painful back Continua a leggere →
Mrs. Eleanor was my friend. She was a beautiful lady in her late fifties—her voice soft, so you always made sure to listen extra carefully; her skin a lovely hue of rich brown, with a motherly warmth. In her eyes, there shone a twinkle of mystery, hiding a story, or many, for the prized listener. She was a mystery in many ways to us as well, as I can’t say that modern medicine was able to cure her. Continua a leggere →
One thing I find myself doing on a daily basis in my job as a paramedic is telling stories. Not only is it a way of relaying information about my patients when transferring care to another health care practitioner, but it is essential in the way I continue to learn Continua a leggere →
Until a severe stroke sent him to a neurological intensive care unit in December 2014, Ernest Kohn was a particularly vibrant 90-year-old, still teaching a graduate economics class at Queens College.
Il 9 Giugno a Trento un approfondimento intorno alla “medicina narrativa” Continua a leggere →
A Richmond un corso pratico sulla medicina narrativa con Rita Charon Continua a leggere →
Le narrazioni dei pazienti e l’esperienza di un medico per ripensare salute e malattie Continua a leggere →
La medicina narrativa e la medicina di precisione, due scuole di pensiero, due laboratori di ricerca, si incontrano in questo evento scientifico il 18 e 19 Febbraio a Firenze. Continua a leggere →
February 18-19, at Meyer Childern’s Hospital: seven chapters on narrative medicine and precision medicine Continua a leggere →
Un articolo che ci è stato segnalato su Twitter, in lingua francese, che affronta la delicata tematica dell’esperienza del cancro e della narrazione che si fa della malattia online
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