Archivio per anno: 2017
VI Convegno Nazionale di Medicina Narrativa: “Le narrazioni nella pratica clinico assistenziale delle cronicità”
/in Eventi, Medicina Narrativa, News /da Emanuela ValenteA Foligno la sesta edizione del Convegno Nazionale di Medicina Narrativa
Il Centro Terapia del Dolore dell’Ospedale Niguarda promuove la XII edizione del Congresso “Malattia del dolore e rete territoriale”
/in Eventi, News /da Emanuela ValenteUn’occasione di confronto tra i massimi esperti del settore, per consolidare una cultura del dolore cronico come reale patologia e favorire, presso i pazienti, la consapevolezza del proprio diritto ad essere creduti Continua a leggere →
Medicina Narrativa (NBM) e tecnologie digitali: sintesi della giornata
/in Eventi, Medicina Narrativa, News /da Emanuela ValenteGiovedì 16 marzo si è tenuto a Terni, presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, il Convegno “Medicina Narrativa e tecnologie digitali”. Continua a leggere →
Guarire con la comunicazione, i vantaggi della medicina narrativa nell’era digitale
/in Medicina Narrativa, News /da Emanuela ValenteHa scritto Jonathan Franzen che “anche in un mondo di persone che muoiono, nascono sempre nuovi amori“. Questa realtà è una testimonianza del grande impatto che la medicina narrativa si sta guadagnando soprattutto sui social media. Continua a leggere →
Medicina Narrativa (NBM) e tecnologie digitali
/in Eventi, Medicina Narrativa /da Emanuela ValenteGiovedì sarà possibile seguire il Convegno in tempo reale tramite le nostre pagine social con l’hashtag #MedicinaNarrativa
Lezione di Make Up e pillole di informazione sulla salute agli IFO
/in Medicina Narrativa, News /da Emanuela Valente“Trucchi” per il benessere quotidiano, per una prevenzione consapevole e stili di vita salutari
Centralità della persona e umanizzazione del percorso di cura
/in Medicina Narrativa, News /da Emanuela ValenteProgetti di Storytelling e Medicina Narrativa agli Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri di Roma Continua a leggere →
Ways on How to Play Tennis like a Pro
/in Senza categoria /da Emanuela ValenteTennis is the most popular sports nowadays, and it is said to have benefits to people such as in the health aspect. It is physically and mentally stimulating which is why it is both a physical and mental exercise. However, playing tennis can so be tricky and quite hard. Still, it is not impossible to start playing tennis like a pro whether you just want to play for fun or to join a competition. Here are ways how.
This is more than just knowing the rules of the game. This is more about applying them so that you can master them. Even a day of training may not be enough for you to learn and play tennis like a pro. It is an ongoing process. In fact, even the Davis Cup winners still train even if they are already experts.
This refers to learning essential tricks such as in serving, standing, using the backhand, forehand, volleying, etc. Methods and strategies are essential so you can always have the edge over your opponent. Even the pros apply strategies, and you can even learn their tricks by watching them play so you can use them for your game. You can also watch training videos online.
Focus and Concentration
Playing tennis like a pro requires focus and concentration. As much as you are going to learn the game technicalities, you must also learn how to focus and concentrate on the ball and the game. The moment you lose focus and concentration, you could lose the momentum.
Being Fit and Healthy
This may sound like the benefits of playing tennis, but it is also a tip to play tennis like a pro. Tennis is a very physically active game. You need endurance and stamina so you won’t feel tired easily mainly because you will be doing a bit of running on the court. You also need strength if you want to be able to hit the ball successfully. In other words, this requires a fit and healthy body.
Never stop playing tennis even in your pastime, etc. The more you practice playing, the more you learn and master the game.
Just remember that the pros also started by playing tennis as their favorite sports and hobby. Nobody expected for them to become pros. So, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to become like a pro. Keep practicing and you’ll eventually you’ll unleash your pro potential.