

The digital revolution in health care: a reading list

Sometimes the internet is not enough to stay updated on the latest trends, or sometimes information is too scattered to retrieve, which is why world-renowned experts often publish books that put together some of that thoughts, examples, case studies and predictions on what the future of medicine will be, and how will the digital revolution impact health care.

We thought that today of all days, 23th of April and World Book Day (and Saint Georgehere in Barcelona, which we celebrate giving out books to our loved ones), was a good day to list some of the books you do not want to miss if you want to stay updated on digital health. continua a leggere

Articolo di Mobile Health Global


What Our Tweets And Google Searches Say About Our Health

For years, Alicia McGarry’s elementary school–age sons tended to get sick easily. But two years ago, McGarry downloaded Sickweather, an app that broadcasts infectious illness warnings based on location-specific chatter on social media. Now, when an alert goes around, the 35-year-old mother doubles down on cold and flu precautions, reminding her boys to wash their hands and eat leafy greens. “We’ve been able to minimize family illness,” McGarry, of Kansas City, Missouri, told BuzzFeed News. continua a leggere

Articolo di Stephanie M. Lee su BuzzFeed


Conferenza di Consenso “Linee di indirizzo per l’utilizzo della medicina narrativa in ambito clinico-assistenziale, per le malattie rare e cronico-degenerative”

Il DOCUMENTO DEFINITIVO DI CONSENSO, Conferenza di Consenso “Linee di indirizzo per l’utilizzo della Medicina Narrativa in ambito clinico-assistenziale, per le malattie rare e cronico-degenerative” , è pubblicato nella Collana “I Quaderni di Medicina” de Il Sole24Ore Sanità (Allegato al N.7, 24 feb.-2mar.2015). Il documento è disponibile nella sezione “Allegati”. Continua a leggere