
Finding Who We Are in Those for Whom We Care

Mrs. Eleanor was my friend. She was a beautiful lady in her late fifties—her voice soft, so you always made sure to listen extra carefully; her skin a lovely hue of rich brown, with a motherly warmth. In her eyes, there shone a twinkle of mystery, hiding a story, or many, for the prized listener. She was a mystery in many ways to us as well, as I can’t say that modern medicine was able to cure her. Continua a leggere


In Sicilia i primi medici e operatori sanitari “esperti in comunicazione”

Formati in Sicilia i primi medici e operatori sanitari “esperti in comunicazione”. Hanno completato un master universitario per educatore terapeutico: una nuova figura specializzata, formata grazie ad un master promosso dall’Ordine dei medici di Palermo in collaborazione con l’università Pegaso e il Centro di formazione sanitaria Sicilia Continua a leggere